[MacPorts] #61121: pihpsdr: Doesn't use MacPorts LDFLAGS

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Sep 3 16:03:43 UTC 2020

#61121: pihpsdr: Doesn't use MacPorts LDFLAGS
 Reporter:  ryandesign  |      Owner:  ra1nb0w
     Type:  defect      |     Status:  assigned
 Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.6.3
 Keywords:              |       Port:  pihpsdr
 pihpsdr fails to build on 10.6 because although it includes the
 legacysupport portgroup it evidently doesn't use MacPorts LDFLAGS so it
 still fails to link with the legacysupport library which would have
 provided getline and clock_gettime:


 /opt/local/bin/clang-mp-9.0 -o pihpsdr MacOS.o audio.o portaudio.o band.o
 configure.o discovered.o discovery.o filter.o version.o main.o new_menu.o
 about_menu.o rx_menu.o exit_menu.o radio_menu.o ant_menu.o display_menu.o
 dsp_menu.o pa_menu.o cw_menu.o oc_menu.o xvtr_menu.o equalizer_menu.o
 step_menu.o meter_menu.o band_menu.o bandstack_menu.o mode_menu.o
 filter_menu.o noise_menu.o agc_menu.o vox_menu.o fft_menu.o
 diversity_menu.o tx_menu.o vfo_menu.o test_menu.o meter.o mode.o
 old_discovery.o new_discovery.o old_protocol.o new_protocol.o
 new_protocol_programmer.o rx_panadapter.o tx_panadapter.o property.o
 radio.o receiver.o rigctl.o rigctl_menu.o toolbar.o transmitter.o
 zoompan.o sliders.o vfo.o waterfall.o button_text.o vox.o update.o store.o
 store_menu.o memory.o led.o ext.o error_handler.o cwramp.o protocols.o   \
                  iambic.o ps_menu.o \
                 mac_midi.o midi2.o midi3.o stemlab_discovery.o -lm -lwdsp
 -lpthread -lportaudio  `pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0`  `pkg-config --libs
 libcurl` -framework CoreMIDI -framework Foundation
 Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
   "_strnlen", referenced from:
       _discovery in discovery.o
       _tcp_cb in discovery.o
   "_clock_gettime", referenced from:
       _programmer_thread in new_protocol_programmer.o
       _keyer_thread in iambic.o
       _NewMidiEvent in midi2.o
 ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

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