[MacPorts] #63373: cctools @949.0.1_1: not showing universal variant on darwin15
noreply at macports.org
Sun Aug 15 20:27:12 UTC 2021
#63373: cctools @949.0.1_1: not showing universal variant on darwin15
Reporter: kencu | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port:
I'm not sure why this started happening, exactly:
$ port info cctools
cctools @949.0.1_1 (devel)
Variants: [+]llvm10, llvm50, llvm60, llvm70, llvm80, llvm90,
llvmdev, xcode
Description: A set of essential tools to support development on
Mac OS X and Darwin. Conceptually similar to binutils on other platforms.
Homepage: https://opensource.apple.com/source/cctools/
Build Dependencies: libunwind-headers
Library Dependencies: llvm-10
Platforms: darwin
License: (APSL-2 or GPL-2+)
Maintainers: Email: jeremyhu at macports.org, GitHub: jeremyhu
Email: kencu at macports.org, GitHub: kencu
Policy: openmaintainer
changing this:
if {${os.major} >= 20} {
universal_variant no
to this:
if {${os.major} >= 20} {
universal_variant no
} else {
universal_variant yes
appears to fix it:
$ port info cctools
cctools @949.0.1_1 (devel)
Variants: [+]llvm10, llvm50, llvm60, llvm70, llvm80, llvm90,
llvmdev, (+)universal, xcode
Description: A set of essential tools to support development on
Mac OS X and Darwin. Conceptually similar to binutils on other platforms.
Homepage: https://opensource.apple.com/source/cctools/
Build Dependencies: libunwind-headers
Library Dependencies: llvm-10
Platforms: darwin
License: (APSL-2 or GPL-2+)
Maintainers: Email: jeremyhu at macports.org, GitHub: jeremyhu
Email: kencu at macports.org, GitHub: kencu
Policy: openmaintainer
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/63373>
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