[MacPorts] #63385: ld64 +ld64_xcode is there a need for +llvm variant?
noreply at macports.org
Tue Aug 17 22:41:22 UTC 2021
#63385: ld64 +ld64_xcode is there a need for +llvm variant?
Reporter: Gcenx | Owner: kencu
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: Low | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: +ld64_xcode
Port: ld64 |
Comment (by Gcenx):
I’m not near my system but I’d assume the following;
if {![some_llvm_variant_set] && ![variant_isset ld64_xcode] &&
${os.major} >= 9} {
default_variants +llvm90
if {![some_llvm_variant_set] && ![variant_isset ld64_xcode] &&
${os.major} >= 9} {
pre-fetch {
ui_error "Your platform cannot be configured without LTO
support in ld64. Please enable one of the llvmXX variants, and try
return -code error "Your platform cannot be configured
without LTO support in ld64. Please enable one of the llvmXX variants,
and try again."
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/63385#comment:6>
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