[MacPorts] #63408: Rakudo Hangs in Staging of Destroot
noreply at macports.org
Thu Aug 26 22:17:27 UTC 2021
#63408: Rakudo Hangs in Staging of Destroot
Reporter: chicagotripp | Owner: mojca
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: rakudo |
Comment (by chicagotripp):
When I run the command
sudo port -d install rakudo
and then hit Ctrl+C at the same point of the install I get this output:
+++ Installing files
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
fatal: not in a git directory
+++ Preparing installation
^Cmake: *** [m-install-post] Interrupt: 2
Command failed: cd
&& /usr/bin/make -w install
Killed by signal: 2
DEBUG: process_cmd aborted: interrupted by signal
while executing
"system {*}$notty {*}$callback {*}$nice $fullcmdstring"
invoked from within
"catch {system {*}$notty {*}$callback {*}$nice $fullcmdstring} result"
(procedure "command_exec" line 103)
invoked from within
"command_exec -callback portprogress::target_progress_callback destroot"
(procedure "portdestroot::destroot_main" line 2)
invoked from within
"$procedure $targetname"
invoked from within
"catch {$procedure $targetname} errstr"
(procedure "target_run" line 172)
invoked from within
"{*}$handler $ditem"
invoked from within
"catch {{*}$handler $ditem} result"
(procedure "dlist_eval" line 33)
invoked from within
"dlist_eval $dlist "" target_run"
(procedure "eval_targets" line 41)
invoked from within
"eval_targets activate"
invoked from within
"$workername eval "eval_targets $target""
(procedure "mportexec" line 152)
invoked from within
"mportexec $workername $target"
invoked from within
"catch {set result [mportexec $workername $target]} result"
("uplevel" body line 72)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $block"
(procedure "foreachport" line 20)
invoked from within
"foreachport $portlist {
array unset portinfo
# If we have a url, use that, since it's most specific
# otherwise try to map the..."
(procedure "action_target" line 10)
invoked from within
"$action_proc $action $portlist [array get global_options]"
(procedure "process_cmd" line 110)
invoked from within
"process_cmd $remaining_args"
("uplevel" body line 3)
invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $body"
Error: Aborted: SIGINT received.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/63408#comment:2>
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