[MacPorts] #62216: db53: error: Support for FCNTL mutexes was removed in BDB 4.8.
noreply at macports.org
Sun Feb 7 19:13:28 UTC 2021
#62216: db53: error: Support for FCNTL mutexes was removed in BDB 4.8.
Reporter: minusf | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: arm64 bigsur
Port: db53 |
Changes (by ryandesign):
* cc: jmroot, MarcusCalhoun-Lopez (added)
Looks like we may need BerkeleyDB ( or newer for
arm64 support.
The current version is 18.1.40 so we are pretty out of date in MacPorts,
having only BerkeleyDB 6.2 at newest in the db62 port.
Our failure to provide current versions of BerkeleyDB in MacPorts may
relate to the acquisition of BerkeleyDB by Oracle in 2006 (and the
resulting undesirable corporate flavor imparted to the project and its web
site—for example, I have no idea how to download old versions of
BerkeleyDB from Oracle now or how to browse or download its source code
repository) and the switch to the
license.html possibly undesirable AGPL license as of BerkeleyDB 6.0.20 in
2013]. According to Wikipedia, Linux distributions have
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_DB#Licensing phased out BerkeleyDB
in favor of LMDB]; perhaps MacPorts could embark on a similar effort.
Cc'ing maintainers of db47 and db48 for thoughts. Other db versions in
MacPorts are not maintained, which may also contribute to our lack of
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/62216#comment:3>
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