[MacPorts] #63906: libtasn1 @4.18.0: checksum mismatch
noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 12 00:21:55 UTC 2021
#63906: libtasn1 @4.18.0: checksum mismatch
Reporter: jcburley | Owner: Schamschula
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: wontfix | Keywords:
Port: libtasn1 |
Comment (by jcburley):
I'm now trying the {{{-s}}} option to {{{port}}}, but first I had to
figure out where I could get a copy of the tarball (with an {{.xz}}
suffix, interestingly enough), otherwise the {{{port install -s gd2}}}
command would fail as above (no file found, but no attempt to fetch it
from somewhere that I could see).
Perhaps an earlier attempt to fetch the source, which failed due to the
false 200 response (before I blocked the host via {{{macports.conf}}}),
was cached somewhere, so no further attempt would be made to fetch it? All
that was required was a {{{sudo curl -O <url>}}} into the appropriate
directory to get the above {{{port}}} command to claim to have worked.
The {{{port install emacs-app}}, having been retried, now claims to have
But I have no idea where it got installed! It's not in my {{{$PATH}}}.
Didn't see a message saying where it went, either;
{{{/usr/local/bin/emacs}}} still points to the (tty-only) Brew version.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/63906#comment:23>
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