[MacPorts] #65657: dbeaver-community @ 22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64: Error: Checksum during checksum verification
noreply at macports.org
Fri Aug 12 06:53:30 UTC 2022
#65657: dbeaver-community @ 22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64: Error: Checksum during
checksum verification
Reporter: FaradayLight | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Low | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.7.2
Resolution: | Keywords: checksum
Port: dbeaver-community |
Description changed by FaradayLight:
Old description:
> A checksum error is detected for rmd160, sha256 and size during the {{{
> erifying checksums for dbeaver-community }}} phase.
> The checksum errors are applicable to the following download:
> fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2 from
> https://ema.uk.packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
> {{{
> ---> Fetching archive for dbeaver-community
> ---> Attempting to fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2
> from https://packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
> ---> Attempting to fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2
> from https://mse.uk.packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
> ---> Attempting to fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2
> from https://ema.uk.packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
> ---> Verifying checksums for dbeaver-community
> Error: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for dbeaver-
> ce-22.1.4-macosx.cocoa.aarch64.tar.gz
> Error: Checksum (sha256) mismatch for dbeaver-
> ce-22.1.4-macosx.cocoa.aarch64.tar.gz
> Error: Checksum (size) mismatch for dbeaver-
> ce-22.1.4-macosx.cocoa.aarch64.tar.gz
> Error: Failed to checksum dbeaver-community: Unable to verify file
> checksums
> Error: See
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports
> .org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_databases_dbeaver-community/dbeaver-
> community/main.log for details.
> }}}
> Have attached log for info.
New description:
A checksum error is detected for rmd160, sha256 and size during the {{{
Verifying checksums for dbeaver-community }}} phase.
The checksum errors are applicable to the following download:
fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2 from
---> Fetching archive for dbeaver-community
---> Attempting to fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2
from https://packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
---> Attempting to fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2
from https://mse.uk.packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
---> Attempting to fetch dbeaver-community-22.1.4_0.darwin_21.arm64.tbz2
from https://ema.uk.packages.macports.org/dbeaver-community
---> Verifying checksums for dbeaver-community
Error: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for dbeaver-
Error: Checksum (sha256) mismatch for dbeaver-
Error: Checksum (size) mismatch for dbeaver-
Error: Failed to checksum dbeaver-community: Unable to verify file
Error: See
community/main.log for details.
Have attached log for info.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/65657#comment:1>
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