[MacPorts] #61642: ds9 @8.1.1 +x11: build failure on Catalina
noreply at macports.org
Fri Feb 4 23:45:13 UTC 2022
#61642: ds9 @8.1.1 +x11: build failure on Catalina
Reporter: DaveStrickland | Owner: lpsinger
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.6.4
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: ds9 |
Comment (by chrstphrchvz):
Replying to [comment:5 DaveStrickland]:
> I'm still having exactly the same problem using Macports 2.7.1 on
Catalina, so I'm surprised to see Port Health claiming that this port
builds on Catalina.
The port health reflects a successful build on 10.15 likely because the
10.15 builder uses Xcode 11.7, which unlike Xcode 12 and later does not
consider implicit function declarations to be errors.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/61642#comment:6>
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