[MacPorts] #64698: approach to fix Haskell (GHC) for PowerPC: some progress, ghc @7.6.3 builds for ppc

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Feb 19 16:39:51 UTC 2022

#64698: approach to fix Haskell (GHC) for PowerPC: some progress, ghc @7.6.3 builds
for ppc
  Reporter:  barracuda156        |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  enhancement         |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports               |    Version:  2.7.1
Resolution:                      |   Keywords:  powerpc, leopard
      Port:  ghc, ghc-bootstrap  |

Comment (by barracuda156):

 Replying to [comment:5 kencu]:
 > I tried this a few years ago, when I brought ghc for 10.6.8 up to
 > https://github.com/kencu/ghc-for-older-darwin-systems
 > I could not get the i386 or PPC systems to upgrade then with reasonable
 efforts, but you might.
 > For x86_64, a few patches were needed and then step-by-step went through
 the versions up ro current.
 > You’ll learn a lot in the process!

 Yes, I have seen your repo, of course. (Hoped to see some ppc versions

 How would you recommend to arrange a process in terms of ports?

 It seems at the moment Macports uses ghc 7.6.2 as a bootstrap compiler for
 everything higher. We can’t do it for ppc, we need to use 7.0.1 or
 possibly 7.0.4 as a starting point. This part is technically as easy as
 changing version numbers and replacing checksums. It result ghc-bootstrap
 gets “occupied” by 7.0.1. Then I used it to build 7.6.3. Let’s assume it
 built correctly (if not, tweaking should be not too hard). So now I have
 ghc port “occupied” by 7.6.3, which should in fact be a bootstrap one
 (according to current Macports settings).
 Should we make a special ghc-bootstrap-ppc port to build 7.6.3 which then
 can be used hopefully normally in ghc-bootstrap port with added ppc arch?
 Or what’s a better way?
 > Good luck!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/64698#comment:6>
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