[MacPorts] #64439: vlc fails to build on 10.5.8
noreply at macports.org
Fri Jun 10 16:06:39 UTC 2022
#64439: vlc fails to build on 10.5.8
Reporter: barracuda156 | Owner: RJVB
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.7.1
Resolution: | Keywords: PowerPC, Leopard
Port: vlc |
Comment (by RJVB):
My reply-per-email seems to have missed a connection somewhere, so let me
just copy it here too...
Older OS versions are supposed to use port:VLC2 and as far as I know there
must be a binary image of the default variant configuration.
I don't know if VLC 2.2.8 still builds on PPC; apparently 2.1.0 and newer
only support 64 bits (and Snow Leopard or up) at least as far as the GUI
plugin is concerned. You'd have to try building it on PPC.
If you look at the Portfile you will maybe understand why I dropped my
efforts to keep trying to build the code after 3.0.11 or so. There are too
many patchfiles already. While it would not be impossible to manage 2
versions of those where needed to support building an older VLC 2.x on PPC
I am frankly not interested in trying to implement that.
Someone motivated enough could go through the git history of port:VLC to
find the latest version that built on PPC. But be aware that the update to
2.1.0 was #4b132a0b03a3d6ec545a084fd3be1bb63d4418a9 in Sept. 2013, long
before I was named maintainer, and that building such old code against the
current versions of its dependencies (FFMpeg in particular) can be a
daunting task.
Or alternatively, somebody could give port:VLC2 a conditional section that
works like port:VLC now does. Adding such a section isn't very hard (take
a look at my personal copy of port:VLC in my macstrop repo for how to add
such a section); what you do in it ... I'd rather not know :). From what I
can tell Videolan still provide the x86_64, i386 and PPC DMGs for VLC
2.0.9 which is better than I feared it might be.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/64439#comment:12>
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