[MacPorts] #66240: diffutils @3.8 does not build on PPC Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.8, because /usr/bin/tar does not undertand the "J" option
noreply at macports.org
Sun Nov 13 16:01:17 UTC 2022
#66240: diffutils @3.8 does not build on PPC Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5.8, because
/usr/bin/tar does not undertand the "J" option
Reporter: ballapete | Owner: ken-cunningham-webuse
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.0
Resolution: fixed | Keywords: leopard ppc
Port: diffutils |
Comment (by kencu):
I don't want to change diffutils-for-muniversal to use the MacPorts' xz
port, as there are too many deps. There is no gz version of that file on
the gnu servers.
But as this is only supposed to be used on Ventura+ anyway, the fix I'm
going to use here is to make sure that it is never called for on anything
< Ventura.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/66240#comment:10>
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