[MacPorts] #66320: hdhomerun_gui keeps wanting to rebuild on Monterey 12.6.1
noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 24 14:47:47 UTC 2022
#66320: hdhomerun_gui keeps wanting to rebuild on Monterey 12.6.1
Reporter: neilt | Owner: ctreleaven
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.0
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: hdhomerun_gui hdhomerun |
Comment (by ctreleaven):
Replying to [comment:6 neilt]:
> Compiled and works. Thanks.
> Edit: Spoke too soon. It works on Montery (macOS 12.6.1 (21G217)) Xcode
14.1, admin account wired.
> On Ventura (13.0.1), Xcode 14.1, wired, admin or non-admin account it
compiles and runs, but the gui scan does not find any devices. Turning
off the firewall does not make any difference. Nothing specific in the
console logs. Command line tool finds my devices.
I don't currently have a Ventura system. Have you tried using the
Security and Privacy panel in System Preferences to give Full Disk Access
to the app? This could be related to the issues reported in:
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/66320#comment:9>
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