[MacPorts] #64758: php* +universal: php-config* differs and cannot be merged (was: php74/php80/php81: php-config differs and cannot be merged)
noreply at macports.org
Sat Aug 12 08:33:05 UTC 2023
#64758: php* +universal: php-config* differs and cannot be merged
Reporter: claviola | Owner: ryandesign
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.7.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: php |
Changes (by ryandesign):
* cc: kencu (added)
* port: php74 php80 php81 => php
Ken, I see that you [changeset:c9a6e03fc195486bbc91148a44393ae9f333f109
/macports-ports added code to the muniversal portgroups] to automatically
strip these differences from scripts. Your code adds rules that:
1. remove all characters starting from `--host=` until the next space or
end of line,
2. remove all characters starting from `host_alias=` until the next space
or end of line, and
3. collapse all runs of two or more spaces into a single space.
Unfortunately this does not take into account two peculiarities of the way
these flags are put into the php-config scripts:
* They are enclosed in single quotation marks
* One of them is at the end of the string right before the closing
quotation mark
See above where the line that begins with `configure_options="` ends with
`'--with-libedit' '--host=aarch64-apple-darwin21.3.0' 'host_alias=aarch64
If we apply your first rule, that replaces `--host=aarch64-apple-
darwin21.3.0'` with nothing, leaving us with `'--with-libedit' '
'host_alias=aarch64-apple-darwin21.3.0'"`. If we apply your second rule,
that replaces `host_alias=aarch64-apple-darwin21.3.0'"` with nothing
leaving us with `'--with-libedit' ' '`. There is now no closing quotation
mark on this string, resulting in a syntax error when we try to run the
script. However since the same processing was applied to the files of both
architectures, the resulting files are the same, and muniversal allows the
merge to proceed. The user has now successfully installed a php with the
universal variant but the php-config script is broken. All the php module
ports that depend on php use the php-config script, so they all now fail
to install with a confusing error. This is what happened in #67898.
I was unable to reproduce the issue on my own system because I have an
Intel Mac. On my Intel Mac, only the php-config file for the cross-
compiled architecture (arm64) got the `--host` and `host_alias` flags, so
there was still a difference between the files after processing and the
merge failed. Only users on Apple Silicon Macs will get a successful
erroneous install of php +universal because
[changeset:151f7c48a55d61bb821376dc8a461e9efdba9c93/macports-ports in an
attempt to help broken pre-Apple Silicon config.guess scripts bundled with
old software] muniversal uses the `--host` and `host_alias` flags even for
the non-cross-compiled architecture on arm64.
I am also concerned about your third rule. I don't think we should be
indiscriminately collapsing multiple spaces into one throughout these
merged files. It's true that for shell scripts there's no syntactical
difference between one space and multiple spaces, but this replacement
happens not only for shell scripts but for any file whose first two
characters are `#!`. This could include python scripts; whitespace is very
significant in python. Also, multiple spaces might have been used in user-
facing messages for alignment purposes. Taking php-config82 as an example,
here is what a properly-working script outputs when you run it:
% php-config82
Usage: /opt/local/bin/php-config82 [OPTION]
--prefix [/opt/local]
--includes [-I/opt/local/include/php82/php
-I/opt/local/include/php82/php/main -I/opt/local/include/php82/php/TSRM
-I/opt/local/include/php82/php/Zend -I/opt/local/include/php82/php/ext
-I/opt/local/include/php82/php/ext/date/lib -I/opt/local/include]
--ldflags [ -L/opt/local/lib]
--libs [ -lresolv -lncurses -lbz2 -lnetwork -lm -lxml2
-lpcre2-8 -lz -lxml2 -ledit -lxml2 -largon2 -lxml2 -lxml2 -lxml2 -lz ]
--extension-dir [/opt/local/lib/php82/extensions/no-debug-non-
--include-dir [/opt/local/include/php82/php]
--man-dir [/opt/local/share/man]
--php-binary [/opt/local/bin/php82]
--php-sapis [ cli phpdbg]
--ini-path [/opt/local/etc/php82]
--ini-dir [/opt/local/var/db/php82]
--configure-options [--prefix=/opt/local --mandir=/opt/local/share/man
--infodir=/opt/local/share/info --program-suffix=82
--includedir=/opt/local/include/php82 --libdir=/opt/local/lib/php82
--with-config-file-path=/opt/local/etc/php82 --with-config-file-scan-
dir=/opt/local/var/db/php82 --disable-all --enable-bcmath --enable-ctype
--enable-dom --enable-filter --enable-json --enable-pdo --enable-session
--enable-simplexml --enable-tokenizer --enable-xml --enable-xmlreader
--enable-xmlwriter --with-bz2=/opt/local --with-mhash=/opt/local --with-
zlib=/opt/local --disable-cgi --enable-cli --with-libxml --with-external-
pcre=/opt/local --enable-fileinfo --enable-phar --disable-fpm --with-
password-argon2=/opt/local --without-valgrind --with-libedit]
--version [8.2.8]
--vernum [80208]
If I fix the closing quotation mark issue in a php-config82 that has gone
through the merging procedure, its output is clearly less desirable:
% sh ./php-config82-broken2
Usage: ./php-config82-broken2 [OPTION]
--prefix [/opt/local]
--includes [-I/opt/local/include/php82/php
-I/opt/local/include/php82/php/main -I/opt/local/include/php82/php/TSRM
-I/opt/local/include/php82/php/Zend -I/opt/local/include/php82/php/ext
-I/opt/local/include/php82/php/ext/date/lib -I/opt/local/include]
--ldflags [ -L/opt/local/lib]
--libs [ -lresolv -lncurses -lbz2 -lnetwork -lm -lxml2 -lpcre2-8 -lz
-lxml2 -ledit -lxml2 -largon2 -lxml2 -lxml2 -lxml2 -lz ]
--extension-dir [/opt/local/lib/php82/extensions/no-debug-non-
--include-dir [/opt/local/include/php82/php]
--man-dir [/opt/local/share/man]
--php-binary [/opt/local/bin/php82]
--php-sapis [ cli phpdbg]
--ini-path [/opt/local/etc/php82]
--ini-dir [/opt/local/var/db/php82]
--configure-options [--prefix=/opt/local --mandir=/opt/local/share/man
--infodir=/opt/local/share/info --program-suffix=82
--includedir=/opt/local/include/php82 --libdir=/opt/local/lib/php82
--with-config-file-path=/opt/local/etc/php82 --with-config-file-scan-
dir=/opt/local/var/db/php82 --disable-all --enable-bcmath --enable-ctype
--enable-dom --enable-filter --enable-json --enable-pdo --enable-session
--enable-simplexml --enable-tokenizer --enable-xml --enable-xmlreader
--enable-xmlwriter --with-bz2=/opt/local --with-mhash=/opt/local --with-
zlib=/opt/local --disable-cgi --enable-cli --with-libxml --with-external-
pcre=/opt/local --enable-fileinfo --enable-phar --disable-fpm --with-
password-argon2=/opt/local --without-valgrind --with-libedit]
--version [8.2.8]
--vernum [80208]
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/64758#comment:6>
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