[MacPorts] #67953: Cargo not working on macos Sonoma b5

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Aug 12 19:58:21 UTC 2023

#67953: Cargo not working on macos Sonoma b5
  Reporter:  jonwilts  |      Owner:  MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports     |    Version:
Resolution:            |   Keywords:
      Port:  cargo     |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * owner:  (none) => MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
 * status:  new => assigned

Old description:

> % port info cargo
> cargo @0.71.0 (devel)
> Variants:             universal
> Description:          Cargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies
> and compiles your project.
> Homepage:             https://crates.io
> Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig, cmake, rust
> Library Dependencies: curl, libgit2, libssh2, zlib, openssl3
> Runtime Dependencies: rust
> Platforms:            darwin
> License:              (MIT or Apache-2)
> Maintainers:          Email: mcalhoun at macports.org, GitHub:
> MarcusCalhoun-Lopez Policy: openmaintainer


> % cargo
> *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception
> 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString
> stringByStandardizingPath]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
> 0x6000039280c0'
> *** First throw call stack:
> (
>         0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ac78960
> __exceptionPreprocess + 176
>         1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000018a771eb4
> objc_exception_throw + 60
>         2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad2a46c
> -[NSObject(NSObject) __retain_OA] + 0
>         3   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abe2b24
> ___forwarding___ + 1572
>         4   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abe2440
> _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 96
>         5   Foundation                          0x000000018bcb3d80
> -[NSProcessInfo arguments] + 188
>         6   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018acf4094
> __getDefaultArguments_block_invoke + 96
>         7   libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000018a979910
> _dispatch_client_callout + 20
>         8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000018a97b14c
> _dispatch_once_callout + 32
>         9   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018acf3a30
> _addBackstopValuesForIdentifierAndSource + 640
>         10  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abae3b4
> __81-[_CFXPreferences(SourceAdditions)
> withNamedVolatileSourceForIdentifier:perform:]_block_invoke + 144
>         11  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018acf36d8
> -[_CFXPreferences withNamedVolatileSourceForIdentifier:perform:] + 272
>         12  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abb4724
> -[CFPrefsSearchListSource addNamedVolatileSourceForIdentifier:] + 136
>         13  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad3294c
> __108-[_CFXPreferences(SearchListAdditions)
> withSearchListForIdentifier:container:cloudConfigurationURL:perform:]_block_invoke.155
> + 296
>         14  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad325f4
> -[_CFXPreferences withSearchLists:] + 84
>         15  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abafc78
> __108-[_CFXPreferences(SearchListAdditions)
> withSearchListForIdentifier:container:cloudConfigurationURL:perform:]_block_invoke
> + 300
>         16  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad327a0
> -[_CFXPreferences
> withSearchListForIdentifier:container:cloudConfigurationURL:perform:] +
> 384
>         17  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abaf5a0
> -[_CFXPreferences
> copyAppValueForKey:identifier:container:configurationURL:] + 156
>         18  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abaf4c8
> _CFPreferencesCopyAppValueWithContainerAndConfiguration + 112
>         19  SystemConfiguration                 0x000000018b93c488
> SCDynamicStoreCopyProxiesWithOptions + 180
>         20  libcurl.4.dylib                     0x0000000105a05208
> Curl_macos_init + 16
>         21  libcurl.4.dylib                     0x00000001059ec140
> global_init + 172
>         22  libcurl.4.dylib                     0x00000001059ec084
> curl_global_init + 68
>         23  cargo                               0x000000010494b258
> _ZN3std4sync4once4Once9call_once28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h570c2b55831af76eE
> + 36
>         24  cargo                               0x0000000104a57f90
> _ZN3std10sys_common4once5queue4Once4call17h1bdcfaca3dc29e5fE + 724
>         25  cargo                               0x000000010494b438
> _ZN4curl9INIT_CTOR9init_ctor17hc2079233d77e33e8E + 96
>         26  dyld                                0x000000018a7c95c8
> ___ZZNK5dyld46Loader25findAndRunAllInitializersERNS_12RuntimeStateEENK3$_0clEv_block_invoke
> + 168
>         27  dyld                                0x000000018a80e920
> ___ZNK5dyld313MachOAnalyzer18forEachInitializerER11DiagnosticsRKNS0_15VMAddrConverterEU13block_pointerFvjEPKv_block_invoke.209
> + 340
>         28  dyld                                0x000000018a801c60
> ___ZNK5dyld39MachOFile14forEachSectionEU13block_pointerFvRKNS0_11SectionInfoEbRbE_block_invoke
> + 496
>         29  dyld                                0x000000018a7a92fc
> _ZNK5dyld39MachOFile18forEachLoadCommandER11DiagnosticsU13block_pointerFvPK12load_commandRbE
> + 300
>         30  dyld                                0x000000018a800c98
> _ZNK5dyld39MachOFile14forEachSectionEU13block_pointerFvRKNS0_11SectionInfoEbRbE
> + 192
>         31  dyld                                0x000000018a80e434
> _ZNK5dyld313MachOAnalyzer18forEachInitializerER11DiagnosticsRKNS0_15VMAddrConverterEU13block_pointerFvjEPKv
> + 516
>         32  dyld                                0x000000018a7c5798
> _ZNK5dyld46Loader25findAndRunAllInitializersERNS_12RuntimeStateE + 448
>         33  dyld                                0x000000018a7cbb14
> _ZNK5dyld416JustInTimeLoader15runInitializersERNS_12RuntimeStateE + 36
>         34  dyld                                0x000000018a7c5b4c
> _ZNK5dyld46Loader23runInitializersBottomUpERNS_12RuntimeStateERN5dyld35ArrayIPKS0_EE
> + 220
>         35  dyld                                0x000000018a7c9654
> _ZZNK5dyld46Loader38runInitializersBottomUpPlusUpwardLinksERNS_12RuntimeStateEENK3$_1clEv
> + 112
>         36  dyld                                0x000000018a7c5ccc
> _ZNK5dyld46Loader38runInitializersBottomUpPlusUpwardLinksERNS_12RuntimeStateE
> + 304
>         37  dyld                                0x000000018a7eaad4
> _ZN5dyld44APIs25runAllInitializersForMainEv + 464
>         38  dyld                                0x000000018a7adf34
> _ZN5dyld4L7prepareERNS_4APIsEPKN5dyld313MachOAnalyzerE + 3192
>         39  dyld                                0x000000018a7acf44 start
> + 1948
> )
> libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException
> Abort trap: 6

New description:

 % port info cargo
 cargo @0.71.0 (devel)
 Variants:             universal

 Description:          Cargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies and
 compiles your project.
 Homepage:             https://crates.io

 Build Dependencies:   pkgconfig, cmake, rust
 Library Dependencies: curl, libgit2, libssh2, zlib, openssl3
 Runtime Dependencies: rust
 Platforms:            darwin
 License:              (MIT or Apache-2)
 Maintainers:          Email: mcalhoun at macports.org, GitHub: MarcusCalhoun-
 Lopez Policy: openmaintainer

 % cargo
 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception
 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFString
 stringByStandardizingPath]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
 *** First throw call stack:
         0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ac78960
 __exceptionPreprocess + 176
         1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x000000018a771eb4
 objc_exception_throw + 60
         2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad2a46c
 -[NSObject(NSObject) __retain_OA] + 0
         3   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abe2b24
 ___forwarding___ + 1572
         4   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abe2440
 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 96
         5   Foundation                          0x000000018bcb3d80
 -[NSProcessInfo arguments] + 188
         6   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018acf4094
 __getDefaultArguments_block_invoke + 96
         7   libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000018a979910
 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
         8   libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000018a97b14c
 _dispatch_once_callout + 32
         9   CoreFoundation                      0x000000018acf3a30
 _addBackstopValuesForIdentifierAndSource + 640
         10  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abae3b4
 withNamedVolatileSourceForIdentifier:perform:]_block_invoke + 144
         11  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018acf36d8
 -[_CFXPreferences withNamedVolatileSourceForIdentifier:perform:] + 272
         12  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abb4724
 -[CFPrefsSearchListSource addNamedVolatileSourceForIdentifier:] + 136
         13  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad3294c
 + 296
         14  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad325f4
 -[_CFXPreferences withSearchLists:] + 84
         15  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abafc78
 + 300
         16  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018ad327a0
 withSearchListForIdentifier:container:cloudConfigurationURL:perform:] +
         17  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abaf5a0
 copyAppValueForKey:identifier:container:configurationURL:] + 156
         18  CoreFoundation                      0x000000018abaf4c8
 _CFPreferencesCopyAppValueWithContainerAndConfiguration + 112
         19  SystemConfiguration                 0x000000018b93c488
 SCDynamicStoreCopyProxiesWithOptions + 180
         20  libcurl.4.dylib                     0x0000000105a05208
 Curl_macos_init + 16
         21  libcurl.4.dylib                     0x00000001059ec140
 global_init + 172
         22  libcurl.4.dylib                     0x00000001059ec084
 curl_global_init + 68
         23  cargo                               0x000000010494b258
 + 36
         24  cargo                               0x0000000104a57f90
 _ZN3std10sys_common4once5queue4Once4call17h1bdcfaca3dc29e5fE + 724
         25  cargo                               0x000000010494b438
 _ZN4curl9INIT_CTOR9init_ctor17hc2079233d77e33e8E + 96
         26  dyld                                0x000000018a7c95c8
 + 168
         27  dyld                                0x000000018a80e920
 + 340
         28  dyld                                0x000000018a801c60
 + 496
         29  dyld                                0x000000018a7a92fc
 + 300
         30  dyld                                0x000000018a800c98
 + 192
         31  dyld                                0x000000018a80e434
 + 516
         32  dyld                                0x000000018a7c5798
 _ZNK5dyld46Loader25findAndRunAllInitializersERNS_12RuntimeStateE + 448
         33  dyld                                0x000000018a7cbb14
 _ZNK5dyld416JustInTimeLoader15runInitializersERNS_12RuntimeStateE + 36
         34  dyld                                0x000000018a7c5b4c
 + 220
         35  dyld                                0x000000018a7c9654
 + 112
         36  dyld                                0x000000018a7c5ccc
 + 304
         37  dyld                                0x000000018a7eaad4
 _ZN5dyld44APIs25runAllInitializersForMainEv + 464
         38  dyld                                0x000000018a7adf34
 _ZN5dyld4L7prepareERNS_4APIsEPKN5dyld313MachOAnalyzerE + 3192
         39  dyld                                0x000000018a7acf44 start +
 libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException
 Abort trap: 6



 Bear in mind WikiFormatting and wiki:FAQ#prerelease.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67953#comment:1>
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