[MacPorts] #66801: audacity @ xmmintrin.h:14:2: error: "This header is only meant to be used on x86 and x64 architecture"
noreply at macports.org
Thu Feb 2 11:29:39 UTC 2023
#66801: audacity @ xmmintrin.h:14:2: error: "This header is only meant to
be used on x86 and x64 architecture"
Reporter: kwolcott | Owner: RJVB
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.1
Resolution: | Keywords: arm64
Port: audacity |
Comment (by RJVB):
Replying to [comment:5 kencu]:
> forget that
Well, I ''would'' like to know what in "base" makes changing the
`worksrcdir` fail. Wouldn't that rather be a change in the github PG?
Because I see my local copy also has that line commented out, a change
that apparently never made it here.
But yeah, I *think* it was my intention to make the port grab an upstream
DMG, if not only because there have been performance improvements and
reductions of resource usage.
It's always been a tricky port to build what with the requirements on
wxWidgets. However I'd not pick Audacity itself but rather one of the
forks without controversial telemetry and TOS/AUP changes built in. I
think Tenacity has become the main "clean" fork.
I even looked into building the port from Tenacity source but this would
require creating ports for the various little bits that Audacity includes
as "vendored" source.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/66801#comment:6>
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