[MacPorts] #67705: scripus @1.4.8: gtdialogs.cpp: error: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero ('const void*' and 'int') (was: scripus error on PPC: gtdialogs.cpp: error: ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero ('const void*' and 'int'))
noreply at macports.org
Thu Jun 29 21:29:47 UTC 2023
#67705: scripus @1.4.8: gtdialogs.cpp: error: ordered comparison of pointer with
integer zero ('const void*' and 'int')
Reporter: barracuda156 | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.1
Resolution: | Keywords: powerpc
Port: scribus |
Comment (by ryandesign):
This is unlikely to be specific to PowerPC and more likely to be specific
to the use of newer compilers on any platform.
They fixed this in
r22422] (committed March 6, 2018) so 1.5.4 (released April 27, 2018) and
later probably contain the fix. You could confirm by installing the
scribus-devel port which is at version 1.5.8.
The 1.5.x series is a development series so we should not update the
scribus port to it and they have not backported this fix to
[https://github.com/scribusproject/scribus/tree/Version14x the 1.4.x
branch] but we could backport it.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67705#comment:1>
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