[MacPorts] #67289: lua-luarocks explicitly does not install `luarocks` command ?
noreply at macports.org
Mon May 1 14:07:27 UTC 2023
#67289: lua-luarocks explicitly does not install `luarocks` command ?
Reporter: jrjsmrtn | Owner: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: lua-luarocks |
Comment (by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez):
It may seem strange to install Lua 5.3 when installing a Lua 5.4 module.\\
However, this was an intentional design choice.\\
To use your analogy of Python, it would be like a Python 3.11 module
depending cmake, which in turn depends (indirectly) on Python 3.10.\\
There is no need for multiple cmake installations.
The old `luarocks5.4` is equivalent to `luarocks --lua-version=5.4`, so
there is no need for multiple installations of luarocks.\\
`port contents lua-luarocks | grep /opt/local/etc` shows the the files
luarocks uses to install for different versions of Lua.
The port luarocks_select should be removed as it does nothing useful
Truth be told, I forgot about its existence.
As soon as I can get to to, we can increase the
default version] of Lua to 5.4.\\
Then, at least, luarocks will depend on Lua 5.4.
Please let me know if I am not being clear or have not addressed your
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67289#comment:6>
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