[MacPorts] #49104: star @1.5.2: mkdir: /etc/default: Operation not permitted
noreply at macports.org
Sun May 7 18:52:40 UTC 2023
#49104: star @1.5.2: mkdir: /etc/default: Operation not permitted
Reporter: rlhamil | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.4
Resolution: | Keywords: elcapitan
Port: star |
Comment (by RobK88):
The fix is found in the `compile.README` file found in the source tarball.
"The location for the root specific configuration files is controlled via
the INS_RBASE= make macro.
The default value for this macro is "/".
If you like to install global default configuration files into
/usr/local/etc instead of /etc, you need to spefify INS_RBASE=/usr/local"
(Typos in original fixed)
So it looks like we will need to change `destroot.destdir` in the portfile
for the `star` port to:
destroot.destdir INS_BASE=${destroot}${prefix} \
INS_RBASE=${destroot}${prefix} \
The portfile for the `star` port also needs to be updated in other places
as well. `master-sites` needs to be updated. And there is a newer
version of the `star` archiver.
And finally, the `post-destroot` script in the`star` port should delete
even more files (like has been done in the ports of other package
When I get home in a few weeks, I will update the portfile and submit a
Pull Request (PR).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49104#comment:7>
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