[MacPorts] #67416: libgcc12 @12.3.0: build failure on Monterey
noreply at macports.org
Mon May 22 00:30:55 UTC 2023
#67416: libgcc12 @12.3.0: build failure on Monterey
Reporter: hululud | Owner: mascguy
Type: defect | Status: reopened
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.1
Resolution: | Keywords: monterey
Port: gcc12 |
Comment (by mascguy):
Replying to [comment:9 Christopher Nielsen <mascguy@…>]:
> In [changeset:"ee97206841c18bfd6bf054b8fa2c6706b193e0e4/macports-ports"
ee97206841c18bfd6bf054b8fa2c6706b193e0e4/macports-ports] (master):
> {{{
> #!ConfigurableCommitTicketReference repository="macports-ports"
> gcc12: blacklist macports-clang-14 and later, to fix link crash
> See: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67416
> }}}
Still seeing a link crash, even with MacPorts-Clang-13:
Are we sure that we don't have an unresolved issue/interaction within our
toolchain, that's causing these to become more and more common...?
Otherwise, I'm out of ideas for this evening. Anyone else...
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67416#comment:10>
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