[MacPorts] #68423: gpgme @1.22.0_0: does not install /opt/local/lib/cmake/Gpgmepp/GpgmeppConfig.cmake (was: poppler fails to build - missing Gpgmepp)
noreply at macports.org
Fri Oct 20 08:07:32 UTC 2023
#68423: gpgme @1.22.0_0: does not install
Reporter: rmottola | Owner: mascguy
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: tiger leopard
Port: gpgme |
Changes (by ryandesign):
* keywords: => tiger leopard
* port: poppler => gpgme
I see this in the gpgme portfile:
# cpp bindings require libc++
platform darwin {
if {${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libc++"} {
lappend languages cpp
We default to libc++ on Snow Leopard and later but libstdc++ on Leopard
and Tiger. If you haven't changed that default, that would explain why
gpgme doesn't install its C++ parts for you on Leopard and why you then
can't install other ports that depend on those C++ parts.
This bit was added to gpgme in 2016; see #52383. Maybe it is outdated by
now. You could try removing the restriction to see if you can build with
C++ support on Leopard, i.e. try replacing that entire block with:
lappend languages cpp
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68423#comment:8>
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