[MacPorts] #68550: tk @ 8.6.13: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE on 10.5 (Intel)
noreply at macports.org
Wed Oct 25 19:13:12 UTC 2023
#68550: tk @ 8.6.13: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE on 10.5 (Intel)
Reporter: Jazzzny | Owner: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: tk |
Comment (by chrstphrchvz):
Replying to [comment:4 Jazzzny]:
> Installing xorg-server-legacy and running tk programs through its
X11.app now works properly. However, running applications directly still
launches the Apple XQuartz. Can I override the default X11 server?
The notes for the xinit port say to log out and log back in to have
MacPorts’ XQuartz be the default. If you want or need to try removing
Apple XQuartz, however, maybe try the commands at
>* Delete pretty much all X11 from you system, and let it forget its
> sudo rm -rf /usr/X11* /System/Library/Launch*/org.x.*
/Applications/Utilities/X11.app /etc/*paths.d/X11
> sudo pkgutil --forget com.apple.pkg.X11DocumentationLeo
> sudo pkgutil --forget com.apple.pkg.X11User
> sudo pkgutil --forget com.apple.pkg.X11SDKLeo
> sudo pkgutil --forget org.x.X11
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68550#comment:5>
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