[MacPorts] #68478: switchaudio-osx @1.2.2: fatal error: 'CoreAudio/AudioHardwareBase.h' file not found
noreply at macports.org
Fri Oct 27 14:31:58 UTC 2023
#68478: switchaudio-osx @1.2.2: fatal error: 'CoreAudio/AudioHardwareBase.h' file
not found
Reporter: RobK88 | Owner: i0ntempest
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.8.1
Resolution: | Keywords: snowleopard lion mountainlion
Port: | mavericks yosemite elcapitan sierra highsierra
switchaudio-osx | mojave catalina bigsur
Comment (by RobK88):
@Ryan -- interesting idea -- using a single port to the current version
and the legacy version. But wouldn't that confuse users? When one gets
info on the port (e.g. port info switchaudio-osx), one will see only the
current version listed. And when they install the port on an old Mac,
they may think they are running the most recent version when in fact they
are not.
Perhaps having separate ports with the version number in the port name
makes the most sense.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68478#comment:6>
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