[MacPorts] #71439: osl failed to build with macports 2.10.5

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Dec 2 17:35:05 UTC 2024

#71439: osl failed to build with macports 2.10.5
 Reporter:  phasmid42  |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
Component:  ports      |    Version:  2.10.5
 Keywords:             |       Port:  osl
 I'm trying to install blender, one of its dependencies "osl" does not
 build properly.

 'sudo port install -d osl' throws error messages as follows. (the full log
 is attached in main.log)

 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build /opt/local/include/OpenImageIO/simd.h:31:10: fatal error:
 'OpenEXR/ImathVec.h' file not found
 :info:build #include <OpenEXR/ImathVec.h>
 :info:build          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build /opt/local/include/OpenImageIO/simd.h:31:10: fatal error:
 'OpenEXR/ImathVec.h' file not found
 :info:build #include <OpenEXR/ImathVec.h>
 :info:build          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 :info:build In file included from llvm_ops.cpp:80:
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build /opt/local/include/OpenImageIO/simd.h:31:10: fatal error:
 'OpenEXR/ImathVec.h' file not found
 :info:build #include <OpenEXR/ImathVec.h>
 :info:build          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build In file included from
 :info:build /opt/local/include/OpenImageIO/simd.h:31:10: fatal error:
 'OpenEXR/ImathVec.h' file not found
 :info:build #include <OpenEXR/ImathVec.h>
 :info:build          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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