[MacPorts] #71456: audacious-plugins @4.4.2: error: constexpr function never produces a constant expression [-Winvalid-constexpr] (was: audacious-plugins 4.4.2: fails to build, command execuction failed)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Dec 4 09:27:50 UTC 2024

#71456: audacious-plugins @4.4.2: error: constexpr function never produces a
constant expression [-Winvalid-constexpr]
  Reporter:  punkcakez13        |      Owner:  Ionic
      Type:  defect             |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal             |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports              |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:                     |   Keywords:  catalina
      Port:  audacious-plugins  |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * status:  new => assigned
 * cc: ionic@…, makr@… (removed)
 * cc: mohd-akram (added)
 * owner:  (none) => Ionic
 * keywords:   => catalina
 * port:  aduacious audacious-plugins => audacious-plugins


 The log says the problem is:

 In file included from ../audacious-
 In file included from ../audacious-
 In file included from ../audacious-
 ../audacious-plugins-4.4.2/src/background_music/Loudness.h:46:28: error:
 constexpr function never produces a constant expression [-Winvalid-
     static constexpr float get_weight(const float seconds)
 ../audacious-plugins-4.4.2/src/background_music/Loudness.h:51:16: note:
 non-constexpr function 'powf' cannot be used in a constant expression
         return powf(relative, perception_weight_power);
 note: declared here
 extern float powf(float, float);
 1 error generated.

 It probably needs to be [https://github.com/audacious-media-
 player/audacious/issues reported to the developers] so they can fix it.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71456#comment:1>
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