[MacPorts] #71522: bind9 @9.20.4 did not build with system compiler on macOS 10.11.6

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Dec 12 17:41:27 UTC 2024

#71522: bind9 @9.20.4 did not build with system compiler on macOS 10.11.6
  Reporter:  snowflake  |      Owner:  danielluke
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports      |    Version:  2.10.99
Resolution:  fixed      |   Keywords:
      Port:  bind9      |

Comment (by snowflake):

 I get the same error as the build bots for 10.11


 If's something to do with atomics,  as you surmised
 histo.c:250:9: error: address argument to atomic operation must be a
 pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const hg_chunk_t *' (aka 'const
 _Atomic(hg_bucket_t *) *') invalid)
         return atomic_load_acquire(&hg->chunk[chunk]);
 ./include/isc/atomic.h:50:32: note: expanded from macro
 #define atomic_load_acquire(o) atomic_load_explicit((o),
                                ^                    ~~~
 note: expanded from macro 'atomic_load_explicit'
 #define atomic_load_explicit __c11_atomic_load
 histo.c:265:26: error: address argument to atomic operation must be a
 pointer to non-const _Atomic type ('const hg_bucket_t *' (aka 'const
 _Atomic(uint_fast64_t) *') invalid)
         return bp == NULL ? 0 : atomic_load_relaxed(bp);
 ./include/isc/atomic.h:28:32: note: expanded from macro
 #define atomic_load_relaxed(o) atomic_load_explicit((o),
                                ^                    ~~~
 note: expanded from macro 'atomic_load_explicit'
 #define atomic_load_explicit __c11_atomic_load

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71522#comment:4>
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