[MacPorts] #55330: libnetpbm @10.80.01: destroot fails due to non-standard group name

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 22 06:35:49 UTC 2024

#55330: libnetpbm @10.80.01: destroot fails due to non-standard group name
  Reporter:  chucko58   |      Owner:  ryandesign
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal     |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports      |    Version:
Resolution:  fixed      |   Keywords:
      Port:  libnetpbm  |

Comment (by ryandesign):

 In [changeset:"2fdeef7dca7107607a45ab41aac9b6d01ae3687b/macports-ports"
 2fdeef7dca7107607a45ab41aac9b6d01ae3687b/macports-ports] (master):
 #!ConfigurableCommitTicketReference repository="macports-ports"
 netpbm: Install in destroot phase not build phase

 The port previously installed in the build phase because the test phase
 could not run until the files were installed into the destroot.

 Installing in the build phase meant that the files were owned by the
 macports user so chown was used to fix the ownership in the destroot

 This caused problems for users whose group names are illegal, as is the
 case in some corporate environments.

 These workarounds are no longer needed as of MacPorts 2.9.0 now that the
 destroot phase is a prerequisite for the test phase; see
 macports/macports-base at ddc26554e6ed49ce8501069b967284739fa6d34e .

 See: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55330
 See: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/58878
 See: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/69650
 Closes: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71564

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55330#comment:8>
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