[MacPorts] #71612: Guide section 5.3.2. Installation Phase Keywords is mistitled, and should explain keyword semantics better
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Mon Dec 23 02:34:45 UTC 2024
#71612: Guide section 5.3.2. Installation Phase Keywords is mistitled, and should
explain keyword semantics better
Reporter: JDLH | Owner: (none)
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: guide | Version: 2.10.5
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by JDLH):
Thank you for your comments, Ryan. I believe this is one of the cases
where expert and naive views are both helpful for a good result. I will
supply the naïvte. :-)
Replying to [comment:3 ryandesign]:
> Replying to [ticket:71612 JDLH]:
> I can't think of any installation phase keywords. The installation phase
is managed completely by MacPorts base; ports have no influence over it.
Good. Then I favour section 5.3 saying so explicitly, for every phase
which has no keywords.
> > A [https://github.com/macports/macports-
guide/pull/70#issuecomment-2558203424 comment on Pull Request #70 "guide:
additions for subport"] says, …"Do not assume that the reader is confident
in basic TCL. (That would be me, for example.)"
> In my view, familiarity with Tcl is a basic requirement of contributing
to MacPorts and explaining how the programming language works in the
MacPorts guide feels unnecessary.
I agree that the MacPorts guide should not have to replicate all of the
Tcl language documentation. But at the same time, one can get a long way
in portfile development by modifying an existing portfile in reasonable
ways, despite Tcl ignorance, and seeing if it works. It seems to me that
it benefits MacPorts to include enough basic Tcl language hints to extend
how far a naive portfile modifier can go.
> ...[The Guide] already has a link to the [https://www.tcl.tk/doc/ Tcl
documentation] which contributors should consult if they are unfamiliar
with the language.
Yes, that's good. A link to a Tcl tutorial like
https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/tcltutorial.html would also help us
naive folks figure out how to venture beyond simple assignment statements
to, say, syntax of `if` statements.
> > The comment refers to a subport which repeats a keyword in the main
port definition, but with a different value. For instance, what is the
result if a port file boils down to the sequence,
> > {{{
> > configure.args --bbb
> > configure.args --ddd</programlisting>
> > }}}
> > I suspect that the value of `--bbb` is completely replaced by the
value of `--ddd</programlisting>`, but I do not see the Guide saying so. I
suggest documenting these rules in the retitled section 5.3.2.
> In Tcl and in every other programming language I can think of, setting a
variable overwrites the previous value so I see no need to explain that in
the MacPorts guide.
Fair enough. But, think of a Tcl naive portfile-modifying contributor,
looking at this syntax:
configure.args --bbb
Is that a procedure call? The use of an imperative verb in the name might
give that impression. Or is the above an assignment, to a field named
`args` in a structure named `configure`?
That is the sort of elementary Tcl documentation which the Guide could
usefully stretch to cover. Just saying that "this is an assignment
statement to a static data structure which gets used later in the port
process" would give the clue that the second statement overrides the
I read in a tutorial that upstream code could define:
proc configure.args {arg1} {
# do something...
... and would this make the above statement a procedure call, aka command,
rather than an assignment?
The Guide does say in
[https://guide.macports.org/#development.introduction Section 4.1.
"Portfile [Development] Introduction"], that a portfile is a Tcl script:
> ...A MacPorts Portfile is a Tcl script that usually contains only the
simple keyword/value combinations and Tcl extensions as described in the
Portfile Reference chapter, though it may also contain arbitrary Tcl
But [https://guide.macports.org/#reference Chapter 5. "Portfile
Reference"] does not say this until [https://guide.macports.org/#reference
.tcl-extensions Section 5.6. "Tcl Extensions & Useful Tcl Commands"]:
> A MacPorts Portfile is a Tcl script, so it may contain any arbitrary Tcl
code you may learn about in the Tcl documentation.
I think it would be helpful to move this up to a new section 5.1, which
lays out a reference to the basics of portfiles.
> I do consider it bad practice to overwrite variables in subports or
variants. As Portfiles age and get longer and pass through different
maintainership, it becomes increasingly likely that a new contributor may
add a flag to (for example) the `configure.args` in the global part of the
Portfile and expect it to be used throughout the Portfile, not realizing
that a far-down variant or subport overrides it.
That sounds like a good tip to add to
[https://guide.macports.org/#development.practices Section 4.7. "Portfile
Best Practices"]. It also sounds like a different topic than either of the
two concerns that motivated this ticket, so I would suggest it belongs in
its own pull request.
So, my scope is creeping onwards to include a new Section 5.1 to state
some obvious basics about Portfiles, as well as to to change section 5.3's
"Installation Phase" wording, and say explicitly that there are no
keywords for the phases no currently mentioned. Would such a pull request
be helpful?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71612#comment:4>
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