[MacPorts] #71631: pngcrush @1.8.13: fatal error: 'fp.h' file not found
noreply at macports.org
Sat Dec 28 14:39:53 UTC 2024
#71631: pngcrush @1.8.13: fatal error: 'fp.h' file not found
Reporter: kpreid | Owner: nerdling
Type: defect | Status: accepted
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.5
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: pngcrush |
Comment (by ryandesign):
Even if the developers are no longer responding to bug reports, if you
were someone trying to build this software by hand and encountered a build
failure, wouldn't you appreciate being able to find a bug report
describing the problem and a patch to fix it?
MacPorts does not have a policy of deleting ports for software that
upstream has abandoned. If the software continues to be useful to users,
and we can still build it, there's no reason not to keep the port.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71631#comment:5>
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