[MacPorts] #71668: libffi @3.4.6; Build Failure

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 29 07:46:15 UTC 2024

#71668: libffi @3.4.6;  Build Failure
  Reporter:  hardincj  |      Owner:  fhgwright
      Type:  defect    |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports     |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:            |   Keywords:
      Port:  libffi    |

Comment (by ryandesign):

 Replying to [comment:5 fhgwright]:
 > Huh?  Why would you ''possibly'' want to discourage port developers from
 testing on as many configurations as possible, including hardware they
 don't have.

 I want to discourage ''users'' of Apple Silicon systems from configuring
 their terminals to run in Rosetta emulation because I cannot imagine any
 reason why they would do that, and because it decreases performance, and
 because it causes MacPorts to work improperly.

 Replying to [comment:6 jmroot]:
 > The build_arch=x86_64 under Rosetta case was more left as an exception
 to the native re-execution norm, because that wouldn't help and might

 `build_arch` isn't `x86_64` in this ticket; it's `arm64`, but for some
 reason the libffi build is detecting an x86_64 system, and the reason I
 have posited, which we are still waiting to hear back from the user to
 confirm but which has been the cause of similar problems in at least two
 other tickets, is that they may be using an x86_64 terminal and/or shell,
 and my suggested solution for the user would be to use an arm64 terminal
 and shell.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71668#comment:7>
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