[MacPorts] #71676: port uninstall can only uninstall one port at a time

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Dec 29 19:53:16 UTC 2024

#71676: port uninstall can only uninstall one port at a time
 Reporter:  kencu        |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
Component:  base         |    Version:
 Keywords:               |       Port:
 Sometimes when doing a manual cleanup of installed ports, I have a few to

 It used to work to uninstall a range of ports at one time, but that
 doesn't seem to work any more, and I have to uninstall them one at a time.
 Which is fine for 2 ports, tedious for 10.

 $ sudo port uninstall glib2
 The following versions of glib2 are currently installed:
  1)   glib2 @2.78.4_0+x11
  2)   glib2 @2.78.4_1+x11 (active)
 Enter a number to select an option: 1-2
 Please enter an index from the above list.

 $ sudo port uninstall glib2
 The following versions of glib2 are currently installed:
  1)   glib2 @2.78.4_0+x11
  2)   glib2 @2.78.4_1+x11 (active)
 Enter a number to select an option: 1,2
 Please enter an index from the above list.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71676>
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