[MacPorts] #68759: agrep @2.04: implicit function declarations

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 31 15:28:39 UTC 2024

#68759: agrep @2.04: implicit function declarations
  Reporter:  mission-    |      Owner:  (none)
  bio                    |
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.8.1
Resolution:              |   Keywords:  catalina bigsur monterey ventura
      Port:  agrep       |  sonoma

Comment (by balanco):

 Rough solution (verified on macOS Monterey and macOS Sequoia)

 1. install gcc (tested with gcc13 on Monterey: `install gcc13` and gcc14
 on Sequoia: `install gcc14`)

 2. select the installed gcc (e.g.: `select gcc mp-gcc13`)

 3. `edit agrep`
      replace the specification of the compiler to use by `gcc`, i.e.
 replace the line:
     `build.args          CC="${configure.cc}" \`


     `build.args          CC="gcc" \`

     ''(you only need to change content of the `"…"`; in any case make sure
 not to lose the final backslash ('\') on the line, signifying the
 continuation on the next line…)''
     and save the edited file

 4. `install agrep`, which should give something like:

   Portfile for agrep changed since last build; discarding previous state.
    --->  Computing dependencies for agrep
    --->  Fetching archive for agrep
    --->  Attempting to fetch agrep-2.04_1.darwin_21.x86_64.tbz2 from
    --->  Attempting to fetch agrep-2.04_1.darwin_21.x86_64.tbz2 from
    --->  Attempting to fetch agrep-2.04_1.darwin_21.x86_64.tbz2 from
    --->  Fetching distfiles for agrep
    --->  Verifying checksums for agrep
    --->  Extracting agrep
    --->  Applying patches to agrep
    --->  Configuring agrep
    --->  Building agrep
    --->  Staging agrep into destroot
    --->  Installing agrep @2.04_1
    --->  Activating agrep @2.04_1
    --->  Cleaning agrep

 (no guarantees, but fingers much crossed)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/68759#comment:5>
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