[MacPorts] #71696: mpv @0.39: error: value of type 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock' (was: mpv 0.39: does not install on macOS 12)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 31 18:34:43 UTC 2024

#71696: mpv @0.39: error: value of type 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
  Reporter:  brandelune  |      Owner:  Ionic
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.10.5
Resolution:              |   Keywords:  monterey
      Port:  mpv         |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * status:  new => assigned
 * owner:  (none) => Ionic
 * cc: i0ntempest (added)


 The first errors I see in the log are:
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:77:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:102:21: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         return lock.withLock {
                ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:123:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:133:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:157:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:164:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:172:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:179:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:253:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:278:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:285:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock {
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~
 ../mpv-0.39.0/osdep/mac/input_helper.swift:292:14: error: value of type
 'NSCondition' has no member 'withLock'
         lock.withLock { while input == nil { lock.wait() } }
         ~~~~ ^~~~~~~~

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71696#comment:1>
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