[MacPorts] #70387: cl-markup fails most tests
noreply at macports.org
Wed Jul 17 12:47:45 UTC 2024
#70387: cl-markup fails most tests
Reporter: barracuda156 | Owner: catap
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.9.3
Keywords: powerpc | Port: cl-markup
; wrote
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.545
ok 1
ok 1 - ESCAPE
ok 1 - normal 'p' tag.
ok 2 - multiple items
ok 3 - 'br' tag
ok 4 - 'br' tag with an attribute
ok 5 - empty tag
ok 6 - with attributes.
ok 7 - nested tag.
ok 8 - escape body and attribute values
ok 9 - embed expressions
ok 10 - nil body
ok 11 - auto escape
ok 12 - *auto-escape* is T
ok 13 - *auto-escape* is NIL
ok 2 - MARKUP
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3 - HTML
ok 1
ok 2
ok 4 - HTML5
ok 1 - normal case
ok 2 - esc
ok 3 - esc with an expression
ok 4 - raw
ok 5 - raw with an expression
ok 6 - raw with nil
ok 5 - RAW-AND-ESC
; compilation unit finished
; caught 6 STYLE-WARNING conditions
; printed 790 notes
Execute asdf:build-op at cl-markup-test by CLISP
WARNING: System definition file
contains definition for system "cl-ppcre-test". Please only
"cl-ppcre" and secondary systems with a name starting with
"cl-ppcre/" (e.g. "cl-ppcre/test") in that file.
WARNING: Adding method
"cl-ppcre">))> to an already called generic function
WARNING: in IN-CHARSET-P in lines 87..126 : Unknown declaration CHARSET.
The whole declaration will be ignored.
WARNING: in %ADD-TO-CHARSET in lines 137..172 : Unknown declaration
The whole declaration will be ignored.
WARNING: in %ADD-TO-CHARSET/EXPAND in lines 174..210 : Unknown declaration
The whole declaration will be ignored.
WARNING: in IN-CHARMAP-P in lines 52..65 : Unknown declaration CHARMAP.
The whole declaration will be ignored.
WARNING: in CHARMAP-CONTENTS in lines 67..76 : Unknown declaration
The whole declaration will be ignored.
WARNING: in CREATE-OPTIMIZED-TEST-FUNCTION-1 in lines 43..98 : Unknown
declaration CHARMAP.
The whole declaration will be ignored.
WARNING: in REGEX-APROPOS-LIST in lines 1110..1157 : Mixing &OPTIONAL and
is bad design
WARNING: in REGEX-APROPOS in lines 1202..1210 : Mixing &OPTIONAL and &KEY
bad design
WARNING: LOOP: FOR clauses should occur before the loop's main body
WARNING: LOOP: FOR clauses should occur before the loop's main body
WARNING: LOOP: FOR clauses should occur before the loop's main body
ok 1
ok 1 - ESCAPE
not ok 1 - normal 'p' tag.
# got: "<p>hoge"
# expected: "<p>hoge</p>"
not ok 2 - multiple items
# got: "<ul><li>one</li><li>two</li>"
# expected: "<ul><li>one</li><li>two</li></ul>"
not ok 3 - 'br' tag
# got: "<br"
# expected: "<br />"
not ok 4 - 'br' tag with an attribute
# got: "<br style=\"clear: both;\""
# expected: "<br style=\"clear: both;\" />"
not ok 5 - empty tag
# got: "<p>"
# expected: "<p></p>"
not ok 6 - with attributes.
# got: "<p id=\"title\" class=\"important\">Hello, World!"
# expected: "<p id=\"title\" class=\"important\">Hello, World!</p>"
not ok 7 - nested tag.
# got: "<p><div style=\"padding: 10px;\">fuga</div>"
# expected: "<p><div style=\"padding: 10px;\">fuga</div></p>"
not ok 8 - escape body and attribute values
# got: "<div name=\"<script
# expected: "<div name=\"<script
not ok 9 - embed expressions
# got: "<ul><li>a<li>b<li>c"
# expected: "<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>"
not ok 10 - nil body
# got: "<ul>"
# expected: "<ul></ul>"
not ok 11 - auto escape
# got: "<div><a>Foo</a>"
# expected: "<div><a>Foo</a></div>"
not ok 12 - *auto-escape* is T
# got: "<p>Tiffany & Co."
# expected: "<p>Tiffany & Co.</p>"
not ok 13 - *auto-escape* is NIL
# got: "<p>Tiffany & Co."
# expected: "<p>Tiffany & Co.</p>"
# Looks like you failed 13 tests of 13 run.
not ok 2 - MARKUP
not ok 1
# got: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\"><html><br>"
# expected: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
not ok 2
# got: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
# expected: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2 run.
not ok 3 - HTML
not ok 1
# got: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><br>"
# expected: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><br></html>"
not ok 2
# got: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><ul><li>a<br><li>b<br><li>c<br></ul>"
# expected: "<!DOCTYPE
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2 run.
not ok 4 - HTML5
not ok 1 - normal case
# got: "<p><hoge>"
# expected: "<p><hoge></p>"
not ok 2 - esc
# got: "<p><hoge>"
# expected: "<p><hoge></p>"
not ok 3 - esc with an expression
# got: "<p><hage>"
# expected: "<p><hage></p>"
not ok 4 - raw
# got: "<p><hoge><div>Tiffany & Co.</div>"
# expected: "<p><hoge><div>Tiffany & Co.</div></p>"
not ok 5 - raw with an expression
# got: "<p><hoge><div>Tiffany & Co.</div>"
# expected: "<p><hoge><div>Tiffany & Co.</div></p>"
not ok 6 - raw with nil
# got: "<p>"
# expected: "<p></p>"
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 6 run.
not ok 5 - RAW-AND-ESC
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 5 run.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70387>
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