[MacPorts] #69919: Nautilus upgrade + extra new ports tracker-3.0, tracker-miners and glib2 fix to include gio-launch-desktop bin.

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon May 6 14:01:54 UTC 2024

#69919: Nautilus upgrade + extra new ports tracker-3.0,tracker-miners and glib2 fix
to include gio-launch-desktop bin.
 Reporter:               |      Owner:  (none)
  christophecvr          |
     Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
Component:  ports        |    Version:  2.9.99
 Keywords:  gnome        |       Port:  nautilus tracker-3.0 tracker-miner
  nautilus               |  glib2
 I tried the current nautilus into macports. But the versions self was
 already a buggy one. So upgrade to the last (gtk3 compatible)  version
 3.38.2 was required.
 To do this upgrade I first needed to make two new ports one tracker-3.0
 and one tracker-miners who were together in the tracker one version. The
 tracker one is still avbl for older packages who might need them cause
 there is no conflict between the tracker and tracker3 versions. They are
 using other libs,bins,docs and settings. \\
 The added ports can be found on my github : \\
 [https://github.com/christophecvr/macports-ports/tree/cvrworkx11] it is
 branch cvrworkx11. \\
 port tracker-3.0 [https://github.com/christophecvr/macports-
 ports/tree/cvrworkx11/gnome/tracker-3.0] \\
 port tracker-miners [https://github.com/christophecvr/macports-
 ports/tree/cvrworkx11/gnome/tracker-miners] \\

 Adapted glib2 port to include gio-launch-desktop into build of
 generic(x11) version. \\
 port glib2 [https://github.com/christophecvr/macports-
 ports/tree/cvrworkx11/devel/glib2] \\
 for this last one if the mp maintainers want, I can already make a patch
 in my master fork and send a pull request for it.\\

 On the tracker-3.0 and tracker-miners some fine tunings need to be done.
 First the ports are only tested by me and I'm working on macos-10.13.6
 intel (macbookpro mid 2010). But universall support is generally disabled
 by me since this is not required for 10.13 intel. There is one patch who
 needs a little change. But by me the both ports building fine working
 fine. Also it is the first ports I made self.

 Then I updated the nautilus port to build 3.38.2 version. I added a couple
 of patches. Add dconf-editor as a depend since there are a couple of
 nautilus settings which can only be done with the editor. (unless you use
 dconf in terminal pretty hard way to do ) .\\
 updated nautilus port:\\

 Nautilus now runs fine.\\

 - executing a script file on a selected item OK (for that the glib2 needed
 the gio-launch-desktop)
 - select and copy files ok (you can not copy between finder and nautilus)
 - Opening a file with a gnome text editor such as gedit ok.(gedit is added
 as a depend in port now)
 - Identifying of media type such as mp4 or dvd iso or ... works ok (work
 of tracker3)
 - and not all is fully tested yet but nautilus is already a nice and very
 ussefull extra on my mac.\\

 Now some extra's nautilus can also run by sudo user. But You well need to
 make one change to you're mac and that is adding :

 Defaults        always_set_home

 to file /private/etc/sudoers

 That is required other wise the nautilus settings for sudo will be set
 into you're personal home dir and not into /var/root dir when you use sudo
 nautilus. The result is that when using nautilus back as regular user
 you're settings will become inaccessible.

 What is the benefit of running nautilus as sudo user:
 - Yes first know what you do !!
 - Copy files to from directories owned by root (system)
 - Edit server setting files with gedit nice and easy.
 - runnning scripts on files in system directory's or also some files in

 I made this  enhancement ticket. So maybe some more persons would like to
 test it on other macos versions. Also i'm sure that there are some things
 in the new ports who can be improved.

 What I well can do is send already a pull request for the glib2 little
 change concerning the gio-launch-desktop.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/69919>
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