[MacPorts] #46411: p5-mac-carbon: should we retire ports depending on Carbon?

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue May 7 22:18:50 UTC 2024

#46411: p5-mac-carbon: should we retire ports depending on Carbon?
  Reporter:  mojca                               |      Owner:  macports-
                                                 |  tickets@…
      Type:  defect                              |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  Normal                              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                               |    Version:
Resolution:  fixed                               |   Keywords:
      Port:  p5-mac-appleevents-simple p5-mac-   |
  apps-launch p5-mac-carbon p5-mac-glue p5-mac-  |
  growl p5-mac-osa-simple                        |

Comment (by barracuda156):

 Replying to [comment:16 mojca]:
 > Nobody removed Carbon. At least not yet. But I find carbon-based Perl on
 the very edge of usefulness. If you need Carbon-based Perl ports, let us

 Yeah, we need :)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46411#comment:19>
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