[MacPorts] #70024: attica-qt5: add a Qt5-based version

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun May 19 11:29:03 UTC 2024

#70024: attica-qt5: add a Qt5-based version
  Reporter:  barracuda156  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  request       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.9.3
Resolution:                |   Keywords:
      Port:  attica-qt5    |

Comment (by RJVB):

 `kf5-attica` would be the more appropriate name IMHO, as this is KDE
 software and part of their frameworks.

 What's your reason for requesting this port? I'm only aware of it being
 used in 2 other frameworks plus by the Plasma5 desktop component:

 > port info --name --long_description --depends_build --depends_lib `port
 -q dependents kf5-attica`
 name: kf5-knewstuff
 long_description: The KNewStuff library implements collaborative data
 sharing for applications. It uses kf5-attica to support the Open
 Collaboration Services specification. \n(kf5-knewstuff is a tier3
 depends_build: pkgconfig, cmake, kde-extra-cmake-modules, python27,
 depends_lib: qt5-kde, kf5-attica, kf5-karchive, kf5-kcompletion,
 kf5-kconfig, kf5-kcoreaddons, kf5-ki18n, kf5-kiconthemes, kf5-kio,
 kf5-kitemviews, kf5-kservice, kf5-ktextwidgets, kf5-kwidgetsaddons,
 kf5-kxmlgui, gettext
 name: kf5-kxmlgui
 long_description: KXMLGUI provides a framework for managing menu and
 toolbar actions in an abstract way. The actions are configured through a
 XML description and hooks in the application code. The framework supports
 merging of multiple description for example for integrating actions from
 plugins. \n(kf5-kxmlgui is a tier3 framework.)
 depends_build: pkgconfig, cmake, kde-extra-cmake-modules, python27,
 depends_lib: qt5-kde, kf5-attica, kf5-kconfig, kf5-kconfigwidgets,
 kf5-kcoreaddons, kf5-kglobalaccel, kf5-ki18n, kf5-kiconthemes,
 kf5-kitemviews, kf5-ktextwidgets, kf5-kwidgetsaddons, kf5-kwindowsystem,
 name: kf5-plasma-desktop
 long_description: KDE desktop components, providing notably the KDE
 control modules allowing to configure various settings like fonts, colour
 palettes, preferred theme etc.
 depends_build: pkgconfig, cmake, kde-extra-cmake-modules, python27
 depends_lib: qt5-kde, kf5-attica, kf5-baloo, kf5-kactivities, kf5-kauth,
 kf5-kcmutils, kf5-kconfig, kf5-kdbusaddons, kf5-kdeclarative, kf5-kded,
 kf5-kdelibs4support, kf5-kemoticons, kf5-kglobalaccel, kf5-kitemmodels,
 kf5-knewstuff, kf5-knotifications, kf5-knotifyconfig, kf5-ki18n,
 kf5-kpeople, kf5-krunner, kf5-kwallet, kf5-kwidgetsaddons,
 kf5-kwindowsystem, kf5-kxmlgui, kf5-plasma-framework, gettext, phonon-qt5,
 freetype, fontconfig, iso-codes

 Of the frameworks only kf5-kxmlgui is of real interest but since both are
 Tier3 frameworks you end up having to implement a large part of the other

 Diving into creating KF5 ports with retro-computing spectacles on is going
 to be a nightmare I'm afraid. Even I simply stopped upgrading the vast
 majority of my KF5 ports because of their Qt5 requirements.
 KDE use "family versioning", and my ports use that by having a central set
 of version variables set through the KF5 PortGroup (and which several
 override, evidently). Those central versions could be `os.major`
 dependent, but individual ports will need to use the version-selective
 `platform` functionality to define the appropriate patches.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70024#comment:1>
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