[MacPorts] #71219: variable has incomplete type 'struct stat64' and invalid operands to binary expression ('stat64' and 'int')

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 1 03:46:34 UTC 2024

#71219: variable has incomplete type 'struct stat64' and invalid operands to binary
expression ('stat64' and 'int')
 Reporter:  kwolcott  |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  defect    |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
Component:  ports     |    Version:
 Keywords:            |       Port:  oorexx
 bzgrep 'error: ' ./oorexx_port_build_failure.log.bz2
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:963:23: error: variable has
 incomplete type 'struct stat64'
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:992:19: error: variable has
 incomplete type 'struct stat64'
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:993:33: error: invalid
 operands to binary expression ('stat64' and 'int')
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:1025:23: error: variable
 has incomplete type 'struct stat64'
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:1050:19: error: variable
 has incomplete type 'struct stat64'
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:1051:33: error: invalid
 operands to binary expression ('stat64' and 'int')
 :info:build ./common/platform/unix/SysFile.cpp:1082:19: error: variable
 has incomplete type 'struct stat64'

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71219>
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