[MacPorts] #70606: Automatically publish base source releases to distfiles server

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Nov 2 00:24:13 UTC 2024

#70606: Automatically publish base source releases to distfiles server
  Reporter:  jmroot          |      Owner:  admin@…
      Type:  enhancement     |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal          |  Milestone:
 Component:  server/hosting  |    Version:
Resolution:                  |   Keywords:
      Port:                  |

Comment (by ryandesign):

 The 2.10.2 files went up last month. The 2.10.3 and 2.10.4 files went up

 To document the process I currently do manually:

 In a web browser, visit https://github.com/macports/macports-
 base/releases. Click "Show All Assets". For each asset (except the two
 "Source Code" links at the bottom which are automatically generated by
 GitHub), click the asset to download it.

 Find the date and time of the release. For example, to the left of the
 2.10.4 release it currently says "yesterday". Mousing over "yesterday"
 reveals the actual release date in my local time, Oct 31, 2024, 6:41 PM

 In the Terminal, go to the Downloads folder:

 cd ~/Downloads

 Delete the `com.apple.quarantine` and other extended attributes the
 browser added:

 xattr -c MacPorts-*

 The modification time of the files will have been set to the download
 time. Change it to the time the release was created:

 touch -t 202410311841 MacPorts-*

 Copy the files to the server:

 scp -Cpr MacPorts-* xxx at build:/tmp

 ssh to the server:

 ssh xxx at build

 Go to the /tmp directory:

 cd /tmp

 Change the ownership of the files to the buildbot user:

 sudo chown buildbot:buildbot MacPorts-*

 Move the files to the right directory:

 sudo mv -v MacPorts-*

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70606#comment:4>
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