[MacPorts] #71226: timg fails to build on systems without rust due to incompatible librsvg API

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sat Nov 2 11:56:36 UTC 2024

#71226: timg fails to build on systems without rust due to incompatible librsvg API
 Reporter:  barracuda156  |      Owner:  urkle
     Type:  defect        |     Status:  assigned
 Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.10.4
 Keywords:                |       Port:  timg
 There are several problems with the port. Trivially fixable:
 1. `legacysupport` needed for `memmem`.
 2. A patch is needed to `src/timg.cc` at least to change the header to
 `cinttypes` (done in upstream) or better use the patch attached.

 Unfixed, as of now: https://github.com/hzeller/timg/issues/142
 /svg-image-source.cc: In member function 'virtual bool
 timg::SVGImageSource::LoadAndScale(const timg::DisplayOptions&, int,
 /svg-image-source.cc:56:5: error: 'RsvgRectangle' was not declared in this
 scope; did you mean 'RsvgHandle'?
    56 |     RsvgRectangle viewbox;
       |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
       |     RsvgHandle
 /svg-image-source.cc:58:5: error: 'RsvgLength' was not declared in this
    58 |     RsvgLength svg_width, svg_height;
       |     ^~~~~~~~~~
 /svg-image-source.cc:59:64: error: 'svg_width' was not declared in this
 scope; did you mean 'orig_width_'?
    59 |     rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_dimensions(svg, &out_has_width,
 /svg-image-source.cc:60:60: error: 'svg_height' was not declared in this
 scope; did you mean 'orig_height_'?
    60 |                                          &out_has_height,
 /svg-image-source.cc:61:61: error: 'viewbox' was not declared in this
    61 |                                          &out_has_viewbox,
 /svg-image-source.cc:59:5: error: 'rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_dimensions'
 was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'rsvg_handle_get_dimensions'?
    59 |     rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_dimensions(svg, &out_has_width,
       |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       |     rsvg_handle_get_dimensions
 /svg-image-source.cc:96:18: error: expected ';' before 'viewport'
    96 |     RsvgRectangle viewport = {
       |                  ^~~~~~~~~
       |                  ;
 /svg-image-source.cc:108:58: error: 'viewport' was not declared in this
   108 |     bool success = rsvg_handle_render_document(svg, cr, &viewport,
       |                                                          ^~~~~~~~
 /svg-image-source.cc:108:20: error: 'rsvg_handle_render_document' was not
 declared in this scope; did you mean 'rsvg_handle_render_cairo'?
   108 |     bool success = rsvg_handle_render_document(svg, cr, &viewport,
       |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       |                    rsvg_handle_render_cairo
 make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/timg.dir/svg-image-source.cc.o] Error 1

 This looks like the code uses API of a rusty librsvg. It needs either a
 fallback (maybe upstream helps) or a patch reverting a move from
 GraphicsMagic to librsvg.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71226>
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