[MacPorts] #71234: Gnuplot misses x11 terminal under MACOS Sequoia

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Sun Nov 3 19:29:12 UTC 2024

#71234: Gnuplot misses x11 terminal under MACOS Sequoia
  Reporter:  fpeos    |      Owner:  mojca
      Type:  defect   |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal   |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports    |    Version:
Resolution:           |   Keywords:
      Port:  gnuplot  |
Changes (by jmroot):

 * status:  new => assigned
 * owner:  (none) => mojca
 * port:   => gnuplot
 * cc: remkos (added)


 Looks like the x11 variant is still available, just not on by default:
 % port variants gnuplot
 gnuplot has the variants:
 [+]aquaterm: Enable AquaTerm terminal
 [+]luaterm: Enable lua-based terminals
    old_bitmap_terminals: Enable PBM (Portable Bit Map) and other older
 [+]pangocairo: Enable cairo-based terminals
    qt: Enable qt terminal with Qt 4
      * conflicts with qt5
 [+]qt5: Enable qt terminal with Qt 5
      * conflicts with qt
    universal: Build for multiple architectures
 [+]wxwidgets: Enable wxt terminal
    x11: Enable X11 support
 Presumably someone decided that the Qt5 terminal is better?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71234#comment:1>
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