Re: [MacPorts] #66358: sip-workaround / trace mode no longer works on arm64 macOS ≥ 13 due to new security features

MacPorts noreply at
Mon Nov 4 22:33:17 UTC 2024

#66358: sip-workaround / trace mode no longer works on arm64 macOS ≥ 13 due to new
security features
  Reporter:  reneeotten  |      Owner:  Clemens Lang <neverpanic@…>
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  reopened
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  base        |    Version:
Resolution:              |   Keywords:  arm64 ventura sonoma sequoia
      Port:              |

Comment (by neverpanic):

 Looking for testers of this PR on macOS 14; it works fine for me on macOS
 15.1, but in CI on macOS 14, I see

 dyld[20831]: bad bind opcode 0x1E
 Killed by signal: 6

 Now, that error message is completely unhelpful, because the code that
 prints it (
 does so after moving the pointer that it prints (
 apple/dyld/blob/master/src/ImageLoaderMachOCompressed.cpp#L955). I'd still
 like to know if this happens in regular usage on macOS 14, or whether it's
 just a corner case I am triggering with my test.

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