[MacPorts] #61987: gobject-introspection @1.60.2_4 : g-ir-scanner producing executable with linking problems

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 5 05:49:11 UTC 2024

#61987: gobject-introspection @1.60.2_4 : g-ir-scanner producing executable with
linking problems
  Reporter:  serge-cohen            |      Owner:  mascguy
      Type:  defect                 |     Status:  reopened
  Priority:  Normal                 |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                  |    Version:  2.6.4
Resolution:                         |   Keywords:
      Port:  gobject-introspection  |

Comment (by dkossack):

 Replying to [comment:22 ryandesign]:
 > Replying to [comment:20 dkossack]:
 > > Replying to [comment:19 mascguy]:
 > > > From your latest `main.log`, the following failure occurs:
 > > >
 > > > {{{
 > > > configure sh: /Volumes/PEluard/opt/local/bin/meson: No such file or
 > > > }}}
 > > >
 > > > Which doesn't make any sense, as that almost suggests that Meson
 isn't installed. But it is based on the earlier entries in the log.
 > > > Is `/opt/local` a symlink to `/Volumes/PEluard/opt/local`? Or do you
 have another MacPorts setup installed in `/opt/local`?
 > > Yes, it is a samlink:
 > > {{{
 > > sh: /Volumes/PEluard/opt/local/bin/meson: No such file or directory
 > > }}}
 > > {{{
 > > Warning: The following existing files were hidden from the build
 system by trace mode:
 > >   /opt/local/bin/meson-3.12
 > >   /private/var/select/sh
 > > Warning: The following file inside the MacPorts prefix not installed
 by a port was accessed:
 > >   /Volumes/PEluard/opt/local/bin/meson
 > > }}}
 > Ok, /Volumes/PEluard/opt/local/bin/meson is not visible to the port
 because MacPorts doesn't think it was installed by a port and because you
 have enabled trace mode (`-t`).
 > Users were never intended to replace /opt/local by a symlink. You may
 have discovered another of the surprising ways in which this can fail. I
 haven't looked into it but off the top of my head I'm not sure why this is
 happening or how it might be corrected, short of either not using trace
 mode or removing the symlink and moving /Volumes/PEluard/opt/local back to

 The trace mode was at the request of mascguy (Christopher Nielsen) earlier
 in the thread... The symlink has been working ok, in the past there were
 some breaks but I have straightened out most of the issues at this point.
 I don't think this is the problem. @mascguy (Christopher Nielsen): GIMP2
 was working before, I didn't even know that gexiv2 existed. What really
 changed between gexiv2 0.14.2 and gexiv2 0.14.3 ?? I looked for a copy of
 gexiv2 0.14.2 to reinstall so I can get GIMP2.10.38 working again but I
 didn't come up with anything. Am I the only one having this issue??

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/61987#comment:23>
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