[MacPorts] #71256: py311-numpy, py312-numpy at 1.26.4_1: error: use of undeclared identifier '_kxor_mask8'

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Nov 7 06:53:46 UTC 2024

#71256: py311-numpy, py312-numpy at 1.26.4_1: error: use of undeclared identifier
 Reporter:  sambthompson  |      Owner:  reneeotten
     Type:  defect        |     Status:  assigned
 Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.10.4
 Keywords:  mojave        |       Port:  py311-numpy, py312-numpy
 Build failures on 10.14.6 for
 py311-numpy] and

 In file included from
 In file included from ../numpy/core/src/npysort/x86-simd-sort/src/avx512
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_kxor_mask8'
         return _kxor_mask8(x, y);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_knot_mask8'
         return _knot_mask8(x);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_kxor_mask8'
         return _kxor_mask8(x, y);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_knot_mask8'
         return _knot_mask8(x);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_kxor_mask8'
         return _kxor_mask8(x, y);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_knot_mask8'
         return _knot_mask8(x);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_kxor_mask8'
         return _kxor_mask8(x, y);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_knot_mask8'
         return _knot_mask8(x);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_knot_mask8'
         return _knot_mask8(x);
 error: use of undeclared identifier '_knot_mask8'
         return _knot_mask8(x);

 Assume it's related to recently landed [https://github.com/macports
 /macports-ports/pull/26408 PR 26408] which has removed the compiler
 blacklisting `compiler.blacklist-append {clang < 1100}`?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71256>
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