[MacPorts] #70815: lazarus @3.4: carbon backend seems to be broken: Can't find unit FPCMacOSAll used by CarbonMouseInput
noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 8 13:01:16 UTC 2024
#70815: lazarus @3.4: carbon backend seems to be broken: Can't find unit
FPCMacOSAll used by CarbonMouseInput
Reporter: barracuda156 | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: lazarus |
Comment (by barracuda156):
3.6.0 +cocoa also broken:
Compiling cocoacursor.pas
Assembling (pipe) ../../units/powerpc-darwin/cocoa/cocoacursor.s
cocoaprivate.pas(1245,3) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure FillChar(var
x:<Formal type>;count:LongInt;Value:Byte);" marked as inline is not
cocoaprivate.pas(1263,3) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure FillChar(var
x:<Formal type>;count:LongInt;Value:Byte);" marked as inline is not
cocoaprivate.pas(1430,7) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure FillChar(var
x:<Formal type>;count:LongInt;Value:Byte);" marked as inline is not
cocoaprivate.pas(1833,3) Note: Local variable "ctx" is assigned but never
Assembling (pipe) ../../units/powerpc-darwin/cocoa/cocoaprivate.s
Assembling (pipe) ../../units/powerpc-darwin/cocoa/cocoacaret.s
Compiling cocoaint.pas
Compiling cocoaconfig.pas
Assembling (pipe) ../../units/powerpc-darwin/cocoa/cocoaconfig.s
Compiling cocoamenus.pas
cocoamenus.pas(163,7) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure FillChar(var
x:<Formal type>;count:LongInt;Value:Byte);" marked as inline is not
cocoamenus.pas(249,3) Note: Local variable "key" not used
cocoamenus.pas(250,3) Note: Local variable "mask" not used
cocoamenus.pas(276,3) Note: Local variable "nskey" not used
cocoamenus.pas(276,19) Note: Local variable "nssubmeykey" not used
cocoamenus.pas(558,7) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure FillChar(var
x:<Formal type>;count:LongInt;Value:Byte);" marked as inline is not
Assembling (pipe) ../../units/powerpc-darwin/cocoa/cocoamenus.s
Compiling cocoawindows.pas
Compiling cocoatextedits.pas
Compiling cocoawsstdctrls.pas
Compiling cocoawscommon.pas
Compiling cocoaint.pas
Compiling cocoawindows.pas
Compiling cocoascrollers.pas
cocoascrollers.pas(1035,5) Note: Call to subroutine "procedure
FillChar(var x:<Formal type>;count:LongInt;Value:Byte);" marked as inline
is not inlined
cocoascrollers.pas(1193,59) Error: Call by var for arg no. 3 has to match
exactly: Got "Single" expected "Double"
cocoascrollers.pas(1204,57) Error: Call by var for arg no. 3 has to match
exactly: Got "Single" expected "Double"
cocoascrollers.pas(1252,55) Warning: Symbol "convertScreenToBase" is
deprecated: "in 10_0, 10_7, "Use -convertRectFromScreen: instead""
cocoascrollers.pas(2018) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module,
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[3]: *** [../lcl.ppu] Error 1
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70815#comment:1>
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