[MacPorts] #71068: R build fails due to g95 dependency, despite specifying gcc
noreply at macports.org
Sat Nov 9 15:57:14 UTC 2024
#71068: R build fails due to g95 dependency, despite specifying gcc
Reporter: klausness | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.10.2
Resolution: | Keywords: R g95
Port: R |
Comment (by jeremyhu):
I'm trying to read through this report because someone filed a radar about
"Current xcode broke the use of macports and R (see item see
https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71068)" last week. Unfortunatley, the
amount of detail in that radar is about as lacking as this ticket.
Can someone please explain *HOW* Xcode broke the port or *WHAT*
specifically Xcode 16 (or, presumably, the CLTools?) are doing that is
impacting this port? I see one comment about "Apple breaking the Xcode,
which made it impossible to compile gcc13 and some Clangs" ... is that
what the radar is commenting on? Assuming so, can you provide specifics
about what exactly broke there?
Is the issue that `g95` is somehow getting pulled into the dependency
graph when Xcode 16 is installed? Assuming so, that probably has nothing
to do with Xcode since Xcode isn't even being used.
Given the build dependencies here include clang-16, I'm curious if
MacPorts is picking up Xcode 16's clang (Apple clang version 16) and going
down some differnet path in toolchain resolution.
FWIW, I see:
$ port deps R
Full Name: R @4.4.2_0+aqua+builtin_lapack+cairo+gcc14+openmp+tcltk+x11
Build Dependencies: pkgconfig, gcc14, clang-18
Library Dependencies: bzip2, curl, gnutar, gzip, icu, ld64, less,
libiconv, libjpeg-turbo, libpng, pcre, pcre2, readline, texinfo, tiff,
unzip, xz, zip, zlib, libgcc,
cairo, pango, glib2, freetype, fontconfig, gettext-
runtime, tcl, tk, xorg-libice, xorg-libsm, xorg-libX11, xorg-libXt, libomp
Runtime Dependencies: clang-18
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71068#comment:20>
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