[MacPorts] #71269: valgrind-macos-devel @3.22.0-r2023-10-29: configure: error: Valgrind works on Darwin 10.x-23.x (Mac OS X 10.6-10.11 and macOS 10.12-14.0) (was: valgrind-macos-devel: failed to configure)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Nov 10 05:48:09 UTC 2024

#71269: valgrind-macos-devel @3.22.0-r2023-10-29: configure: error: Valgrind works
on Darwin 10.x-23.x (Mac OS X 10.6-10.11 and macOS 10.12-14.0)
  Reporter:  gautham81928          |      Owner:  raimue
      Type:  defect                |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal                |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                 |    Version:  2.10.4
Resolution:                        |   Keywords:  sequoia
      Port:  valgrind-macos-devel  |
Changes (by ryandesign):

 * keywords:   => sequoia
 * version:   => 2.10.4

Old description:

> It gave an error: Failed to configure valgrind-macos-devel: configure
> failure: command execution failed. How do I fix this error?

New description:

 It gave an error:
 Failed to configure valgrind-macos-devel: configure failure: command
 execution failed.
 How do I fix this error?



 Yes, [https://github.com/LouisBrunner/valgrind-macos/pull/112 macOS 15
 support was allegedly added] to the upstream valgrind-macos project two
 months ago, so Renee's suggestion that the maintainer of this port should
 update it does have a chance of making the port work on macOS 15.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71269#comment:5>
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