[MacPorts] #70812: ossp-uuid @1.6.2 +universal: error: call to undeclared function '__VA_COPY_USE_yes'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 11 13:59:48 UTC 2024

#70812: ossp-uuid @1.6.2 +universal: error: call to undeclared function
'__VA_COPY_USE_yes'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function
declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  Reporter:  BarneyStratford  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect           |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal           |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports            |    Version:  2.10.1
Resolution:                   |   Keywords:  sequoia
      Port:  ossp-uuid        |

Comment (by potterpg):

 Just a 'me to' comment....

 but also, I tried changing the config.h file as suggested in item 3:

 3. **Modify the `config.h` definitions**:
    Check if you can replace:
    #define va_copy(d, s) __VA_COPY_USE(d, s)
    #define va_copy(d, s) __builtin_va_copy(d, s)

 or in fact the 2 matching config files... one for arm64 and one for x86_64

 so, literally as specified, to use

 __builtin_va_copy(d, s)

 re installed...
 port install ossp-uuid

 and it succeeded, on my M1 mac building a universal variant. (Sequoia

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/70812#comment:5>
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