Re: [MacPorts] #71294: p5.34-ffi-platypus @2.90.0 tests using perl5.34 @5.34.3_1 with /usr/bin/cc – shouldn't it use the same tools as MacPorts does?

MacPorts noreply at
Tue Nov 12 19:29:16 UTC 2024

#71294: p5.34-ffi-platypus @2.90.0 tests using perl5.34 @5.34.3_1 with /usr/bin/cc
– shouldn't it use the same tools as MacPorts does?
  Reporter:  ballapete           |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect              |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports               |    Version:  2.10.2
Resolution:                      |   Keywords:  highsierra
      Port:  p5.34-ffi-platypus  |

Comment (by ballapete):

 Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign]:
 > These lines show that these files were compiled and linked but because
 they are "silent rules" they don't show what compiler was used. For this
 reason, we would like ports to use "verbose rules" when building instead.
 This could be something specific to this port, or it could be a general
 problem in the perl5 portgroup when building additional files for the test

 Are these "verbose rules" something different than the `port option -v`?
 (Which I used in my example.)

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