[MacPorts] #71355: postgresql16 @16.4_1 does not build on PPC Tiger, Mac OS X 10.4.11, because of "Extraneous text after `else' directive"

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 19 14:56:47 UTC 2024

#71355: postgresql16 @16.4_1 does not build on PPC Tiger, Mac OS X 10.4.11, because
of "Extraneous text after `else' directive"
  Reporter:  ballapete     |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal        |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports         |    Version:  2.10.4
Resolution:                |   Keywords:  tiger ppc
      Port:  postgresql16  |

Comment (by ballapete):

 I cannot decide what to patch…

 fd.c receives

 # 79 "../../../../src/include/access/xlogdefs.h"

 and has the faulty macro herein:

  1046   /*
  1047    * BasicOpenFilePerm --- same as open(2) except can free other FDs
 if needed
  1048    *
  1049    * This is exported for use by places that really want a plain
 kernel FD,
  1050    * but need to be proof against running out of FDs.  Once an FD
 has been
  1051    * successfully returned, it is the caller's responsibility to
 ensure that
  1052    * it will not be leaked on ereport()!  Most users should *not*
 call this
  1053    * routine directly, but instead use the VFD abstraction level,
  1054    * provides protection against descriptor leaks as well as
 management of
  1055    * files that need to be open for more than a short period of
  1056    *
  1057    * Ideally this should be the *only* direct call of open() in the
  1058    * In practice, the postmaster calls open() directly, and there
 are some
  1059    * direct open() calls done early in backend startup.  Those are
 OK since
  1060    * this module wouldn't have any open files to close at that point
  1061    */
  1062   int
  1063   BasicOpenFilePerm(const char *fileName, int fileFlags, mode_t
  1064   {
  1065           int                     fd;
  1067   tryAgain:
  1068   #ifdef PG_O_DIRECT_USE_F_NOCACHE
  1070           /*
  1071            * The value we defined to stand in for O_DIRECT when
 simulating it with
  1072            * F_NOCACHE had better not collide with any of the
 standard flags.
  1073            */
  1074           StaticAssertStmt((PG_O_DIRECT &
  1075                                             (O_APPEND |
  1076                                              O_CLOEXEC |
  1077                                              O_CREAT |
  1078                                              O_DSYNC |
  1079                                              O_EXCL |
  1080                                              O_RDWR |
  1081                                              O_RDONLY |
  1082                                              O_SYNC |
  1083                                              O_TRUNC |
  1084                                              O_WRONLY)) == 0,
  1085                                            "PG_O_DIRECT value
 collides with standard flag");
  1086           fd = open(fileName, fileFlags & ~PG_O_DIRECT, fileMode);
  1087   #else
  1088           fd = open(fileName, fileFlags, fileMode);
  1089   #endif
  1091           if (fd >= 0)
  1092           {
  1093   #ifdef PG_O_DIRECT_USE_F_NOCACHE
  1094                   if (fileFlags & PG_O_DIRECT)
  1095                   {
  1096                           if (fcntl(fd, F_NOCACHE, 1) < 0)
  1097                           {
  1098                                   int                     save_errno
 = errno;
  1100                                   close(fd);
  1101                                   errno = save_errno;
  1102                                   return -1;
  1103                           }
  1104                   }
  1105   #endif
  1107                   return fd;                              /*
 success! */
  1108           }
  1110           if (errno == EMFILE || errno == ENFILE)
  1111           {
  1112                   int                     save_errno = errno;
  1114                   ereport(LOG,
  1116                                    errmsg("out of file descriptors:
 %m; release and retry")));
  1117                   errno = 0;
  1118                   if (ReleaseLruFile())
  1119                           goto tryAgain;
  1120                   errno = save_errno;
  1121           }
  1123           return -1;                                      /* failure
  1124   }

 which gets expanded by the C pre-processor to this:

 # 1062 "fd.c"
 BasicOpenFilePerm(const char *fileName, int fileFlags, mode_t fileMode)
  int fd;


  ((void) sizeof(struct { int static_assert_failure : ((0x80000000 &
 (0x0008 | 0 | 0x0200 | O_DSYNC | 0x0800 | 0x0002 | 0x0000 | 0x0080 |
 0x0400 | 0x0001)) == 0) ? 1 : -1; }));
 # 1086 "fd.c"
  fd = open(fileName, fileFlags & ~0x80000000, fileMode);

 OSYNC is #define'd as 0x0080, which is already used in the statement
 above, so it could as well be simply removed on line #1078 – is this an
 acceptable solution? Best would be to put this line into a guard that only
 into the OR expression…

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/71355#comment:7>
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