[MacPorts] #69601: Installing recent versions of yq or wget installs libnetpbm which has a full X11/UI list of dependencies

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Nov 20 18:04:50 UTC 2024

#69601: Installing recent versions of yq or wget installs libnetpbm which has a
full X11/UI list of dependencies
  Reporter:  tux-o-matic    |      Owner:  ryandesign
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  wget yq groff  |

Comment (by ryandesign):

 Replying to [comment:15 Dave-Allured]:
 > The `openldap` portfile says "The openldap build uses soelim from groff,
 and newer OS versions do not provide groff as part of the base OS
 install."  This brings in an entire typesetting system, including
 `netpbm`, to build `openldap`.  Is this really necessary?  What is
 "soelim"?  Can there be an easier shortcut to satisfy the "soelim" need?

 According to its manpage, "GNU soelim is a preprocessor for the groff(7)
 document formatting system." Whether netpbm is necessary for groff is one
 of the topics to be investigated in this ticket, for example by
 communicating with the developer of groff.

 According to the build/man.mk file in the openldap distribution, it uses
 soelim to create its manpages. If you want to see what happens without
 soelim available, and see if you can make the port build another way, you
 can remove the groff dependency from the port and either use trace mode
 (if it works on your OS version and architecture) or deactivate groff; I
 can't test this because I use macOS 12 which still includes soelim. If
 you're thinking of making it work by disabling the manpages, that's
 probably not what we want; people like to be able to look in manpages to
 learn how to use software.

 According to a search on the ports web site, heirloom-doctools is another
 port that provides an implementation of soelim. I don't know if it is
 sufficiently compatible with the GNU groff implementation to be usable for
 the ports that currently depend on the groff port.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/69601#comment:16>
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